Tuesday 27 December 2011

IT Career Trends

Rapid advances in technology are changing our world every day. Did you know that some IT jobs may not exist as they do now by the time today’s high school students are in the work world?

The world of software and IT is a world of exploding possibilities that almost defy definition. Change in the ways and means in which information is created, stored, shared and used affects virtually every other industry in the economy. As the software developers and hardware manufacturers come up with even more products, they exponentially increase the possibilities of IT.
Yesterday’s dreams are today’s possibilities and tomorrow’s realities.
The following links offer some perspective on software career trends:
"Tomorrow’s IT jobs" & "IT labour market statistics" outline the employment picture for large, medium and small employers.

Tomorrow’s Job Market

In the near future, people will work at jobs we never even imagined today.
Technology will continue to set the pace for jobs. As technology becomes a greater part of doing business, more computer-related jobs will be created. Most employers will look for people who not only have technical skills, but also have workplace skills such as the ability to:
  • listen
  • solve problems
  • interact with co-workers
Jobs in demand in the near future include:
*Source: IDC Canada – Leading IT Skills in Demand within Canadian Organizations in 2004

"IT Innovations" presents possibilities to spark ideas for career planning.

Harvard Bussiness School

alhamdulillah kami sudah selesai mem"present" HBS pada 14hb Disember 2011 bersamaan hari Rabu..hehehe

kumpulan kami dapat soalan
"What innovation can be introduce in improving mobile phone industries in terms of communities uses and work???"

Our suggestion answers are:
1. GPS - no need to type. just talk to the device,so it will locate the location you want to go. ease your work especially while you're driving.
2. Make mobile phone as a credit card.. no need to use wallet anymore..other people will not know how much money that we have.
3. Use fingerprint or voice to unlock the phone.
4. Charge battery using solar energy.. As we are leading to green live,by using solar energy, we'll use less electric.
5. using auto-cad in mobile phone. ease the engineer to work,anytime they have any idea, just draw it in mobile phone.
6. Use mobile phone as projector.

~nota yg perlu dibaca.....

~ni plak link xmind utk hbs ni...

Monday 26 December 2011

Director, IS Management

What is it?

An information Systems manager has the job of making sure that both the employees and the organization they work for are being served properly by the Information Technology they use on a daily basis.  An Information Systems Manager is concerned with sourcing, security, governance, and leadership with respect to the Information technology they require.

How is IT involved?

The primary concern of the Information Systems Manager is to work with and around IT to provide an intimate knowledge of the ways in which it commingles with both the jobs and roles of the company or organization, and the employees themselves.  Information technology is so central to this position, without it, the position would not exist.

Where can I see it?

Information Systems Managers  are present in most organizations with enough employees to require more than a standard amount of daily work on IT Governance, Strategic Support and Data processing.  An Information Systems Manager works closely with both the management and administration of the organization as well as the employees, to ensure that the company's IT needs are being met.

How can I be a part of it?

An Information Systems manager has a large computer and networking knowledge base, complimented also by strong business and management skills.  Interpersonal skills, as well as communication skills are also strongly desired for an Information Systems Manager.
source:  Chas Redmond's flickr  CC Attribution

What else might I like?

Information Systems Managers work closely with Web Developers and Designers, Technical Architects, Systems Analysts and Data Network Designers

IT Consultant

What You Do

As a computer consultant you have developed, over years of experience, an expertise in a particular informatics field. Your client hires you to provide them with strategic advice and a level of assistance which they do not have inside the organization. You are hired usually on a project basis and in a particular field of your expertise.

Who You Do It For

Working either through a consulting company or as an independent consultant, you will assist a wide variety of clients. Both public and private sector organizations and companies use consultants on a project basis when they do not have the resources to handle a project.
At times consultants can also be hired to supplement the client organization’s own staff – to fill a vacancy on a project team or a permanent group on a temporary basis.

How You Do It

The work of computer consultants varies from employer to employer and project to project. Some projects will require you to work with several other consultants, each specializing in one area. At other times you will work independently. Generally speaking, as a computer consultant, you are usually hired on a contract basis to assist an organization with a particular project.
No matter what the assignment, your job as a computer consultant is to provide your expertise and advice on how to make the project successful.


The constant pressure of deadlines and client expectations can be extremely stressful for computer consultants. Since computer consultants are from outside of the organization, they may also be faced with hostility from employees within the organization as they try to implement changes. As a result, computer consultants must be able to work with people diplomatically.
The work of a consultant is always temporary. Each assignment eventually ends. You may become frustrated by being unable to remain involved in implementing a system for the long term. The objective of a successful engagement is to leave the client organization’s personnel able to carry on without your assistance.

Working Conditions

Typically, computer consultants work at least 40 hours per work. Overtime is very common in this profession, especially when deadlines must be met. In addition, since computer consultants spend a significant portion of their time with their clients, they usually will divide their time between their offices and their client’s location. Frequent travel may be necessary.
Like other workers who spend their time in front of a computer terminal, computer consultants are susceptible to eyestrain, back discomfort and hand and wrist problems.
With the demand for skilled IT professionals increasing around the world, and the increase in the number and type of consulting companies, the employment options available for computer consultants are increasing. However, to be successful in this profession you must possess the right skills. Opportunities also exist for self-employment.

Project Manager

What is It?

A Project Manager is someone who is in charge of making sure that all parts of a specific operation, project, or piece of software are well-coordinated, and running smoothly, as well as facilitating communication and data exchange between the various elements of the project.
source:  Ross Harmes' flickr  CC Attribution

How is IT involved?

Of the Project Manager's many tools and skill sets, his knowledge and expertise in Information Technology is the most pertinent and useful. To help with making sure a large project runs smoothly, a Project Manager needs to know all about how to communicate effectively and quickly, coordinate the software used by the different parts of the project, make sure that the different elements are all compatible, and ready to go.  A Project Manager also needs intimate knowledge of all of the elements of the project themselves, so that they can understand why a certain part works the way it does, and how it fits in with the others.

Where can I see it?

Project Managers are evident everywhere in today's corporate society. Most major projects these days are too large for a single person, or even a single team to handle, and so a project manager is needed to coordinate.  You'll find project managers working at software companies, coordinating for major launches, at environmental associations, making sure things run smoothly, and at nearly every high-profile entertainment industry company you can find.
Project Managers use tools such as Microsoft Project, Calendar applications, and office productivity suites in order to effectively do their job.

How can I be a part of it?

Project Managers need strong inter-personal skills, as well as a large capacity for remembering small details, and coordinating people.  If you enjoy working as part of a team, and helping to direct the eventual goals of your team, you would do well as a Project Manager
source:  emdot's flickr  CC Attribution

What else might I like?

Project Managers work closely with Software Designers, Computer Engineers, Public Relations and Quality Assurance.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Kaedah Mengatasi Kelesuan

oleh Dato' Hj Muhammad Bin Zakaria ( hjmohdz@telagabiru.net.my )
Anda Sering Tidak Bermaya
Sebagai seorang pelajar anda sering berasa letih, lesu, lemah dan tidak bermaya. Kalaulah disorongkan bantal kepada anda, alangkah enaknya. Anda juga sering mengantuk, terangguk-angguk, sebaik sahaja memulakan membaca terutamanya membaca buku pelajaran yang susah-susah.
Dalam kelas, kelopak mata anda akan mula tertutup perlahan-lahan apabila kuliah mula menjadi monotoni dan berpanjangan. Malah ada ketikanya anda juga sering tertidur waktu kuliah.

Kalau anda seorang eksekutif di pejabat, anda sering tersengguk-sengguk di meja kerja.
Anda juga sering tertidur waktu berdiskusi dengan pelanggan. Apa lagi ketika menonton TV, membaca akhbar, di dalam bas atau pesawat (kecuali anda memang merancang untuk berehat dalam perjalanan yang jauh).
Bagaimana pula kecergasan anda ketika berada di dalam sebuah kereta yang dipandu oleh sahabat anda? Adalah amat tidak munasabah jika anda tertidur dalam keadaan sahabat anda itu bersusah payah memandu.
Jika anda sendiri yang memandu dan anda tertidur selama tiga saat, anda mengundang maut bukan sahaja kepada diri anda malah kepada penumpang, keluarga tercinta atau sahabat yang bersama anda. Malah boleh melibatkan pengguna jalan raya yang lain.
Jadi Bagaimana Mengatasi Kelesuan?1. Dapatkan tidur yang cukup dan berkualiti. Berapa jam? Lima jam semalam sudah memadai dari jam 12.30 tengah malam hingga 5.30 pagi. Tetapi anda sering tidur hingga lapan jam sehari. Ini bermakna anda kerugian tiga jam sehari (1/8 hari). Jika anda berusia 24 tahun ini bermakna anda telah kerugian masa emas selama tiga tahun!
2. Jika anda terlalu letih dan memerlukan penumpuan pada sebelah petang, tidurlah 30 hingga 45 minit sebelum waktu zuhur. Tidur sebentar sebelum waktu zuhur ini dinamakan tidur qailulah. Tidur qailulah ialah sunah Rasulullah s.a.w. dengan syarat berniat untuk bangun pada malam hari nanti untuk qiamullail. Satu jam tidur qailulah menyamai tiga jam tidur pada waktu malam. Tidur qailulah ini elok diamalkan pada hari cuti. Pada masa hari kerja mungkin agak sulit kecuali anda bekerja sendiri. Itu pun jangan sekali-kali tidur qailulah anda meleret hingga dua tiga jam.
3. Bila anda belajar atau bekerja, anda mesti bersedia untuk melakukan dua kerja:
  • a) Kerja utama.
  • b) Kerja sokongan yang aktif.
Sebaik sahaja anda berasa lesu atau mula mengantuk, terus lakukan kerja sokongan. Contoh kerja sokongan:
  • a) Mencari rujukan.
  • b) Menyusun fail, data atau susun letak meja anda.
  • c) Bangun dan berkomunikasi sebentar dengan kawan atau rakan sejawat.
  • d) Mencari bahan dari internet.
4. Lakukan aktiviti yang memerlukan pergerakan seperti:
  • a) Melakukan kerja sambil berdiri atau berjalan perlahan-lahan.
  • b) Melihat pemandangan hijau yang saujana melalui tingkap atau keluar daripada bangunan.
  • c) Mengemas bilik pejabat atau bilik belajar sebentar.
5. Buat secawan kopi panas.
6. Berwuduk dengan memasang niat untuk menghalau syaitan yang sentiasa menggoda kita untuk berehat atau menyisihkan kita daripada aktiviti menuntut ilmu.
7. Membaca akhbar harian (jangan lebih daripada 10-15 minit jika waktu kerja).
8. Buat senaman setempat untuk meregangkan otot-otot yang letih seperti:
  • a) Meramas dan menggerakkan jari tangan dan kaki.
  • b) Menggerakkan bahu dan leher.
  • c) Meregangkan lengan.
Ibu Mengelakkan KelesuanSelain mengelakkan kelesuan dengan mengoptimumkan fungsi pancaindera, menanamkan semangat yang tinggi dalam minda adalah lebih berkesan. Tanamkan motivasi yang tinggi dalam diri untuk menyiapkan kerja anda dengan pencapaian yang paling cemerlang.
Anda hendaklah mengejar masa yang ada. Letakkan diri anda seolah-olah tidak ada masa untuk berpaling ke kiri atau ke kanan. Lakukan banyak perkara dalam masa yang singkat.
Arahkan Minda Untuk CergasAnda boleh berdialog dengan minda anda sendiri dan mengarahkan minda anda supaya bekerja dengan cergas. Latih minda untuk membaca pergerakan dan perubahan yang berlaku di sekeliling anda.
Minda hendaklah cekap membuat keputusan lalu mengarahkan pancaindera untuk melaksanakan arahan tersebut. Pancaindera anda pula hendaklah melaksanakan segala arahan minda secara spontan.

Makanan Yang Menyebabkan KelesuanSelain fungsi minda, pemakanan memainkan peranan penting untuk kecergasan. Otak anda memerlukan oksigen yang segar yang dibawa oleh darah ke otak. Makanan yang berzat diserap oleh pembuluh darah lalu dibakar oleh oksigen untuk menghasilkan tenaga.
Badan perlu bekerja lebih keras menyebabkan kelesuan. Antara makanan yang menyebabkan kelesuan ialah:
  • 1. Makan pagi yang berat seperti nasi berlauk daging dan seumpamanya.
  • 2. Nasi lemak yang banyak mengandungi santan (lemak).
  • 3. Nasi pulut. (Ketiga-tiga jenis makanan ini sesuai jika anda hendak bekerja keras seperti kerja buruh, kerja sawah atau kerja ladang).
    4. Makan tengah hari yang berat.
Sebaliknya makanan yang tidak berzat atau yang terlalu kurang mengandungi karbohidrat, gula atau lemak juga menyebabkan kelesuan kerana badan akan kekurangan tenaga untuk bekerja. 

Makanan Pagi Untuk Mengelakkan Kelesuan
  • 1. Bijirin yang mudah hadam dan memberi banyak tenaga.
  • 2. Fresh orange untuk mencairkan lemak menjadi tenaga.

  • 3. Buah-buahan.

  • 4. Air mineral.
  • 5. Susu memberi anda tenaga yang banyak.

Mengelakkan Lesu Ketika Kuliah Atau Diskusi
  • 1. Fokus.
  • 2. Datangkan minat yang mendalam. 
  • 3. Gerakkan minda untuk bertanya secara kritis.
  • 4. Catat menggunakan peta minda.

  • 5. Pastikan anda dapat mendengar dengan jelas.
  • 6. Baca fikiran pensyarah atau pasangan diskusi anda.
  • 7. Keluarkan pengalaman atau pengetahuan lalu sebagai input perbincangan semasa.

Peranan Otak Kanan Dan Otak Kiri
Ketika mendengar kuliah atau berdiskusi, otak kanan dan otak kiri mesti bekerja secara serentak. Otak kanan lebih khusus memproses maklumat secara holistik (keseluruhan). Ia lebih bertindak balas kepada warna, imej, suasana dan irama. Otak kiri pula memproses maklumat satu persatu. Ia lebih bertindak balas kepada perkataan, nombor, maklumat, logik dan analisis.
Jadi ketika otak kiri mengecam, menghafal, mengingat dan menganalisis apa yang disampaikan guru, otak kanan hendaklah menimbulkan minat yang mendalam, menggambarkan fakta secara visual, memahami perasaan guru dan bertindak balas pada isyarat tubuh (body language) guru.
Dengan mengkoordinasi kedua-dua belah otak ini anda akan sentiasa segar dalam masa kuliah.
Mengelakkan Mengantuk Di Dalam Kereta
Ramai orang yang tertidur sebaik sahaja kereta mula bergerak. Cuba anda perhatikan, sifat ini selalunya berlaku kepada anak kecil. Apakah minda anda setaraf dengan minda seorang anak kecil?
Bagaimana mengelakkan kelesuan ketika berada di dalam kereta?
  • 1. Mulakan sesuatu topik perbualan atau perbincangan.
  • 2. Kenali (taaruf) semua orang yang berada di dalam kereta tersebut.
  • 3. Pandang jauh keluar.
  • 4. Beri komen apa yang anda lihat di luar kereta.
  • 5. Elakkan membaca ketika berada di dalam kereta.
  • 6. Pasang muzik, radio atau bahan audio kegemaran anda. Mengapa anda tidak membelanjakan sedikit wang untuk membeli CD motivasi oleh pakar motivasi antarabangsa?
  • 7. Anda boleh menghafal ayat-ayat al-Quran menggunakan CD berkaitan.
  • 8. Sediakan makanan kudap-kudapan seperti kacang, kuaci, gula-gula atau minuman bertenaga.
  • 9. Bayangkan aktiviti dan kegembiraan yang anda akan lalui di penghujung perjalanan.
Anda Masih Mengantuk?
Itulah kelemahan makhluk yang bernama manusia berbanding malaikat yang tidak pernah lesu dan mengantuk daripada mencatat setiap detik kebajikan dan dosa yang kita lakukan. Malaikat juga tidak pernah letih, lesu dan mengantuk dalam menarik planet, bulan, bintang dan matahari mengikut orbit peredarannya dalam Sistem Suria.
Sampaikan malaikat juga tidak pernah mengantuk daripada menggerakkan bulu mata kita ketika ada serangga yang terbang ke arahnya atau mengantuk ketika menggerakkan jantung dan darah kita ke segenap sel di tubuh badan.
Sedangkan anda? Kadang-kadang ketika memegang sebatang pen pun boleh terjatuh kerana mengantuk!
sumber: SOLUSI

Sunday 27 November 2011

Data Network Designer

Data and network???? Is it combination of database and network?? So interesting  job.. let’s find the real about DATA NETWORK DESIGNER….

A network designer is responsible to make sure that all the telecommunications and networking  aspects of a new situation, enterprise or office function properly,efficiently and with as little downtime as possible.

A NETWORK DESIGNER is skilled at seeing the bigger picture and can integrate tons of small facts into a bigger reality. As network designer, we also need strong math, physics and computer skills especially with respect to networking.

Data Network Designer work closely with Technical Architects, System Analyst, Capacity and Performance Analysts and the management of the organization…

Such a really interesting job… Why not you all enter this field??Iif you took any science computer course, you’re not limited to one job only… Even you study database, but you can work as IT CONSULTANT because all computer science students study IT.. Next entry I will share the job description of IT CONSULTANT… 

more you can view this website:

Database Analyst

Another jobs which the main scope in database is DATABASE ANALYST.

As a database analyst, you will manage and organize electronic data according to corporate data administration policies and standards in order to ensure that the information needs of the users are met.
You are responsible to ensure that electronic data of organization will can be run whenever it will be needed. You manage and organize the information to ensure that the information can always be shared, coherence, available, in good quality and can be used in integrity. You also must make sure that your capacity of database analyst that you recommend and implement are within the corporate policies, procedures and operational guidelines of your employer.

Working Conditions

Database Analyst usually work a 40-hour per week. Overtime will be required if the deadlines are soon and user requirement must be met.

The demand for database analysts will continue to grow, as computers make it feasible for organizations to manage and use expanding amounts and types of information in their business

for more information..feel free to visit this website....

Database Administrator..

Who is database administrator actually???? What do we do as database administrator????

Our  works are to  build, test, install and modify computer databases. We’re responsible for making the organisation’s database are up to date.
Besides that, we must
  • assisting with design issues
  •  laying out the structure of the database,
  • identifying and resolving users’ problems,
  • developing and implementing maintenance procedures
  • ensure the security of the data by conducting and devising regular backup and recovery processes.
  • required to tune the database and ensure it is running at optimum speed

In Malaysia, database sectors are not well known yet.. People know just little bit about this field. In fact, DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR is an important person in an organization. This field is increasing in this country. So, the opportunity to get job after graduate is BRIGHT.

Uses of databases in any operation such as

  • retail stores,
  • catalogue companies,
  •  insurance companies,
  • communications companies (telephone, broadcasting),
  •  financial institutions,
  • hospitals,
  • utilities,
  •  government agencies,
  •  schools, universities,
  •  Computer companies, and
  •  businesses in the service industries.

Working conditions

You may be required to work irregular hours. In addition, you need to travel to meet users or customers if computer systems serve other locations.  The working environment is informal and can be stressful.

Information stored in databases has become extremely important, since many organizations rely on data to give them the competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Experienced database administrators are highly sought after, even though increasing numbers of organizations are trying to automate and streamline operations.
